Downloading MapsDownload maps & routes so that you can access them whenever & wherever you go.

This guide will show you how to download an offline map allowing you to view detailed mapping for an area, even without phone signal. Access all 607 GB OS leisure maps offline by downloading your own custom map with an OS Maps premium subscription. This helps save phone battery, mobile data and lets you follow and record routes when out of signal range.


Downloading Maps:

1. To start downloading a map, first choose the area of mapping that you want to download.

2. Once you have found the right area, select the ‘Download’ icon on the main map screen (shown in the top right corner) or select the ‘Saved’ tab from the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen and choose ‘Custom Offline Map’.

Download iconCustom offline map

3. Once you have initiated the download, you will see the area available to download, highlighted on the map. Confirm you have the correct area and then select ‘Download’, where you will then be asked to give your download map a name.

Download Map AreaDownload Map Description

4. You can view the progress of your downloads, as well as all the downloaded maps available in the ‘Saved’ tab, under ‘Offline Maps’.

5. You can view the progress of your downloads, as well as all the downloaded maps you have available in the ‘Saved’ tab, under ‘Offline Maps’. It is recommended to review your downloaded maps regularly and remove any that you no longer need. You can also test your downloaded maps by accessing them whilst your mobile device is in ‘Flight Mode’ to ensure they load properly without any mobile data or Wi-Fi signal.

Downloaded Maps Save Tab

Downloading Routes

As well as downloading areas of mapping, you can also download routes to follow in areas of low or no signal.

1. To download a route, find the route you want to download either through the route search in the ‘Routes’ tab or by selecting ‘My Routes’ in the Saved tab for a route that you have created or bookmarked.

Route SearchRoute List

2. When you have found your chosen route, tap the route card to access the detailed route information and select ‘Download’.

Route Download

3. As with downloaded maps, you can see all your downloaded routes under the ‘Saved’ tab. Routes with ‘Downloaded’ shown in the top right corner are saved to your device and ready to use and help track your location even in areas of low or no signal.

Downloaded Route

To save storage space, some mobile devices will automatically save downloaded content to the cloud, rather than in your device storage. It is recommended to check and make sure your offline maps are saving to your device and not the cloud. To check, open your phone’s app settings and ensure document storage is set to store on your phone.

For more help & support on using OS Maps, head to our FAQ pages where you’ll find the answers to common questions.